To factory standards (entering tooth thickness or space width) Results can be produced on the screen and/or the printer and/or in a file. The following standards form the basis of the evaluation: The measurement of 'Form diameter', 'Minor diameter' or other gauge parameters is not a part of this program! The program does calculate the nominal measures over or between two pins in dependence of the pin diameter selected and compares it with the actual measures. At time the program is exclusively designed to measure and evaluate a 'Two-point' measurement over or between pins for the different types of gages for external and internal splines to check the gauges actual 'space width' or 'tooth thickness'.
QM-SPLINE The gauge management software QMSOFT® Modules Inspection program QMSOFT® / QM-SPLINE The inspection program QMSOFT®/QM-SPLINE is designed for the inspection of involute and straight sided spline gauges according to different national standards, respective according to customized factory standards. When ordering metric splines to DIN standard, the follow- ing criteria will. Module-DIN 5482 Involute Spline Profile Dimensions.
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