* Bold figure number help you quickly match illustrations with instructions. * Numbered instructions guide you through every repair procedure step by step. * Notes, cautions and warnings throughout each chapter pinpoint critical information. * Detailed substeps expand on repair procedure information Simply print out the pages you need or print the entire manual as a whole!!! Die Typbezeichnung DT steht für Dirt Track, die Zahl benennt die Hubraumgröße in cm³, das Suffix LC bedeutet Liquid Cooled.
This manual provide repair and service procedures for the following Models:ĭie Yamaha DT 80 LC ist ein geländegängiges Leichtkraftrad der Kategorie Enduro des japanischen Fahrzeugherstellers Yamaha. Hundreds of pages allow you to print it out in its entirety or just the pages you need!! All styles covered. This is the COMPLETE official full factory service repair manual for the Yamaha DT 80 LC and Yamaha DT 80 LC2.